List of lecturers:
- Thomas Ayral:
What to expect from variational algorithms on quantum computers?
- Mari-Carmen Bañuls:
Tensor Network Applications: dynamics and more
- Frederico Becca:
Variational wave functions for strongly correlated models on the lattice
- Natalia Chepiga:
Constrained tensor networks
- Markus Heyl:
Neural quantum states: Time dependence
- Anna Keselman:
Numerical signatures of frustrated magnets
- Herviou Loïc:
Matrix Product States for Quantum Hall systems
- Julien Leonard:
Quantum matter under the microscope
- Manon Michel:
Monte Carlo methods
- Frank Pollmann:
Tensor networks methods
- Johannes Schachenmayer:
The quantum many-body non-equilibrium problem in phase space
- Marco Schiro:
Non-unitary quantum dynamics: methods and applications
- Filippo Vicentini:
Machine Learning quantum neural states
- Xavier Waintal:
Machine learning tensor trains: an alternative to Monte-Carlo sampling. Application to diagrammatic calculations.